To allow Live Link to control virtual camera parameters, we need to assign a Lens File to Live Link Camera Controller.

  1. Enable Live Link source. For more details, see Connecting to Mars using the Live Link Plug-in.


    <aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_orange.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_orange.svg" width="40px" /> TIP: If VIVE Mars isn’t appearing in Live Link panel, please refer to Why isn’t VIVE Mars appearing in Unreal Live Link? to troubleshoot.


  2. If you are using an external encoder for lens curve setup please check below items, or you can skip to step 3.

    1. In order to confirm the focus data is being received, select the subject under ViveLiveLinkPlugin. Change to the View Options to Show Frame Data.


    2. Check Focus Distance there should be a numeric value when you rotate the focus ring with lens encoder on your camera.


  3. In the World Outliner panel, select CineCameraActor and apply the component LiveLinkComponentController. Assign the Rover in Subject Representation.


<aside> 💡 WHEN USING UNREAL 5.1 or newer versions

Enable LiveLinkCamera Plugin and restart your Engine.


Add Livelink Controller and Lens Component for CineCameraActor.


Select LivelinkComponentController in the Details Menu, pick a Rover that represents the movement of the camera in real world from the drop-down list of the Subject Representation.


Under Live link Controller > Transform Role > Component to Control > Component Picker > select SceneComponent.


<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Since Live Link now controls the transform of SceneComponent, please make sure the transform of CameraComponent is reset to it’s default values( 0,0,0 for position/rotation, 1,1,1 for scale).



Under Camera Role apply LivelinkCameraController.

In the same detail menu scroll down to select Camera Role > Component to Control > Component Picker select CameraComponent


To apply lens file to Camera Role, ****expand Camera Calibration of Camera Role, go Lens File Picker to add lens file (must be the same lens file as the step below).


To apply Lens file select the Lens component. In the Details Menu go Lens File to apply your Lens. Under Evaluation Mode select Use Camera Settings.


<aside> 💡

If you have connected FIZ Tracks (or other compatible encoders) to both Focus and Zoom port of the Rover and have properly calibrated and mapped the values of FIZ Tracks in the lens file above, you can select Use Live Link under Evaluation Mode for getting raw FIZ data directly from Live Link.

If you are using a prime lens and have connected only one FIZ Track to the Focus port of the Rover, you still need to select Use Camera Settings under Evaluation Mode or the focal length may not be mapped correctly. When Use Camera Settings is selected, all raw FIZ data coming from FIZ Track will be clampped by the min/max value of focal length under Lens Settings of CameraComponent. Be sure to set the min/max values to cover whole range of the raw FIZ data.


There is a known issue in UE5 that the focus mapping will be wrong when both LiveLinkControllerComponent and Lens Component are assigned same Lens file when using single FIZ track with prime lenses.

To workaround is to create an utillity lens file for correcting FIZ data and assign it to the LiveLinkControlleromponent while keep the “real” lens file applied to Lens Component. The utility lens file is reusable, you only have to create once.



Under Filmback Override for Lens Details, click on Lens File



  1. Select LivelinkComponentController in the Details Menu, pick a Rover that represents the movement of the camera in real world from the drop-down list of the Subject Representation.


  2. To apply Lens file in UE 5.0, in the Details panel of CineCameraActor, select component LivelinkComponentController. In CAMERA ROLE > Camera Calibration > Lens File Picker > Lens file, select the lens file you created.


  3. Make sure to click on Apply Distortion in Background or foreground CG layer Details. Lens File setting will not apply automatically for Composure components.
